Kreative Designs - Color-Recover-Rearrange-Reuse
Kreative Designs - Color-Recover-Rearrange-Reuse

About Kreative Designs

My name is Kristy Thomas...

and I have been a Tucson resident for 38 years. I am a wife and mother of two grown daughters and grandmother of two fine grandsons. I am also
an artist, working with acrylics, oil, encaustics, and mixed media.  Please check out my art 
website, there is a link to that site on the links page.


I attended design school in 1995 and started Kreative Designs in 1999. Since that time I
have been working in the Tucson area, focused on color, space planning and redesign. I
have also worked as a decorative painter, and my work has been seen in Tucson Lifestyle & 
Phoenix Home & Garden.


My design philosophy is based in "it's not what you have but how you put it together" and
I truly believe that having good design in your home or office can have the same profound
effect on your life that exercise and eating well does.


Your home is your personal space. It should reflect your personality and lifestyle, with
color that adds warmth, function which adds comfort, and style that adds pizzazz - and
helping you achieve that is my greatest joy.

Kreative Designs

PO Box 40127
Tucson, AZ 85717

Phone: (520) 271-3685


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© Kreative Designs